Department of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity

students sitting in a lecture hall, talking

KSU Codes of Conduct
All students are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures outlined in the Kennesaw State University Codes of Conduct. The KSU Codes of Conduct include: the general Student Code of Conduct, the Residential Code of Conduct, and the Code of Academic Integrity. Kennesaw State University reserves the right to make changes to this code as necessary and once those changes are posted online, they are in effect. Students are encouraged to check online for the updated versions of all policies.

Cheating & Plagiarism FAQs
Understanding academic misconduct is vital in the development of strong academic integrity and academic success. The following is an introduction into what is considered cheating and plagiarism at KSU. 

Code of Conduct Violation
All students are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures outlined in the KSU Codes of Conduct. Here are some FAQs of what my result from a Code of Conduct Violation. 

Residential Code of Conduct Violation
On-campus residents are responsible for knowing and adhering to the Residential Code of Conduct. If any Violations of the Residential Code of Conduct occurs the student will be referred to Residence Life and/or SCAI. These are some of the FAQs in reference to Residential Code of Conduct Violations.